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COVID-19: Visiting Cancún, is it safe?

February, 2022

After going through a couple months of heightened risk, increased contagions and stricter safety measures due to the rise of the omicron variant, the state of Quintana Roo, home of the Mexican Caribbean, has returned to a green risk level, the lowest in the scale. Starting a week ago and until March 2 (and further, if the current trends continue) the state will reopen its doors completely. It has been the following of safety measures and the extensive vaccination campaigns that reached over 97% of the population what has maintained the Mexican Caribbean as a safe destination during the pandemic. This is why we kindly ask of you that even though we are once again in the lowest risk level we continue to follow the safety measures that have protected us thus far, to bring us one step closer to the end of this pandemic.

With the return of the green risk level in Cancún and the rest of the Mexican Caribbean all places can now reopen to 100% of their capacity in all essential and non-essential activities. This includes all tourism-related activities, entertainment, and yes, even the famed nightlife of the Riviera Maya.

Nightlife Returns

The Mexican Caribbean’s lively night life is awake once more. With the decrease of contagions and the risk level back to minimum, all bars, nightclubs and other entertainment centers are allowed to reopen to their full capacity, restarting the world’s best never-ending party. Just in time for Spring Break too!

So, is Cancun safe to visit?

Traveling during the pandemic entails an unavoidable risk, however, the high percentage of vaccination amongst the local population, the wide availability of free tests, and the respect to safety measures implemented have kept the Mexican Caribbean as one of the world’s safest destinations during the pandemic. It was this how the area became the first destination in America and one of the first 7 in the world to receive the Traveler Safety Stamp from the World Travel and Tourism Council in 2020, followed by other safety and health certifications awarded by both national and global organizations.

Here, people will receive you with open arms and plenty of hand sanitizer. We are sure that the tourism industry and local population’s efforts to keep the spread of Covid-19 contained will keep your mind at ease knowing that this paradise on Earth is the ideal destination for a 2022 vacation.

You can find more information at official sources: